Monday, February 21, 2022

Which Oils and Fats Are Best for Cooking?

Avocado oil has the highest smoking point. Avocado oil has the highest smoking point. (Photo by Muffet)
If you've wondered which oils and fats are the best choices for cooking your meals, this post is for you. The first question we need to ask is what makes an oil good or bad for cooking? Putting the cholesterol issue aside for a moment, we can say that perhaps the most important thing is how well the oil tolerates heat. We are using it for cooking, after all.

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5 Reasons Why Dark Chocolate Is Better than Milk Chocolate

Look good? Forget it, there's way too much sugar. (Photo by .craig)
You may have thought of chocolate as a guilty pleasure, but the ancient Maya considered it the food of gods. Granted, the Maya also thought cutting out someone's heart in a ritual ceremony was a good fun, but they did get one thing right: chocolate really is a health food. That is, as long as you buy the dark kind. In fact, the darker the chocolate the healthier it is. As good as that sugar-laden milk chocolate bar may taste, it wouldn't have made its way into any self-respecting Maya feast.

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Sunday, February 20, 2022

Soy Isoflavones Grow Hair by Increasing IGF-1 in the Skin

Food sources of isoflavones include tofu and miso soup. Food sources of isoflavones include tofu and miso soup. (Photo by sokole oko)
Many of you have probably heard that soy isoflavones may be good for hair loss. How exactly dietary isoflavones work to promote hair growth is less clear, however. In male rats even a relatively low amount of soy isoflavones reduces DHT and increases testosterone. This alone would probably be enough to explain hair growth in rodents.

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